• ENGLISH LITERATURE BA (HONS) - University of Worcester St John's Campus

When you choose to study an English Literature degree at the University of Worcester, you are not simply choosing to explore a diverse and challenging range of books and authors. You are embarking on a journey which asks you to have new and transformative encounters with texts - on paper and in the digital realm, from around the world and from Worcester itself. You will be invited to think about how their use of language changes our understanding of our lives, the lives of others, and the world around us. With the support of your academic tutors, this journey prepares you for a wealth of careers, with our students taking up jobs in publishing, teaching, marketing, the heritage and charity sectors, and many more.  You will also be able to take your studies further on an academic or vocational postgraduate course.

ENGLISH LITERATURE BA (HONS) - University of Worcester St John's Campus

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